This time-capsule of shattered dreams, unfulfilled promise, wild claims and scandalous underperformance is now made available for public scrutiny. It is a haunting reminder that the more things change, the more they stay the same (waistlines, hairlines and jaw-definitions excluded).
So, immerse yourself in a time when denim was stretch, music was vinyl, and yearbook photos were badly photocopied!
Let's start with the class photo. Click for a larger view, then hold your mouse over select heads for a close up of some 1990-style "wicked scones".
Check out the Year 12 biographies below for a sad indictment of Victorian Public School education!
Burger | Laccas | Hillbilly | Grafie | Wazza |
Here you can read two chilling accounts of Year 12 camp shenanigans, as told by eyewitness observers.
Firstly, we have a defamatory piece from the first student to amass 101 officially recorded nicknames:
Injustice at the Year Twelve Camp
Secondly, we have a more considered testimony, by none other than the Webmaster himself:
Adamo's 18th party invitation was included in the Yearbook to add some artistic merit. Consider it a sneak preview of his 30th 40th
party invitation!
To wrap things up, you can peruse the Year 12 Awards list (no correspondence will be entered into!).