Where legends are made...

This time-capsule of shattered dreams, unfulfilled promise, wild claims and scandalous underperformance is now made available for public scrutiny. It is a haunting reminder that the more things change, the more they stay the same (waistlines, hairlines and jaw-definitions excluded).

So, immerse yourself in a time when denim was stretch, music was vinyl, and yearbook photos were badly photocopied!

Class Photo

Let's start with the class photo. Click for a larger view, then hold your mouse over select heads for a close up of some 1990-style "wicked scones".

Class of 1990

Class of 1990


Check out the Year 12 biographies below for a sad indictment of Victorian Public School education!

15 kids?!? A roadie in a major thrash metal outfit?!? Hmmmmmm... An undercover police officer?!? A millionaire?!?
Burger Laccas Hillbilly Grafie Wazza


Here you can read two chilling accounts of Year 12 camp shenanigans, as told by eyewitness observers.

Firstly, we have a defamatory piece from the first student to amass 101 officially recorded nicknames:

Injustice at the Year Twelve Camp

Secondly, we have a more considered testimony, by none other than the Webmaster himself:

Camp 1990

An Invitation

Adamo's 18th party invitation was included in the Yearbook to add some artistic merit. Consider it a sneak preview of his 30th 40th party invitation!

Sweet 18!

Sweet 18!


To wrap things up, you can peruse the Year 12 Awards list (no correspondence will be entered into!).

And the winner is...

Thanks for that... Thanks for that...